mardi 9 août 2022

Facilitating dialogue between Ukrainian refugees and hosts

Over time, tensions are reported here and there between the hosts and Ukrainian refugees: small misunderstandings, little participation in the life of the house, cultural differences, resentment of participating in a form of assistance...
Apart from a few exceptions, the authorities do not take on the issue of monitoring the accommodation and the necessary mediation role.

Pays De Fayence Solidaire is not mandated for this substitution role, but is concerned about the situation and wishes to facilitate dialogue. Several questions need to be asked.

Between 3 days and 3 weeks before the end of the PSA, the refugees can make a request for an extension by going with the whole family to the same place where it was initially requested (Préfecture du Var, Mairie de Cannes,...).
On this occasion, it is necessary to provide, among others :
- any document justifying the evolution of the situation (work contract)
- a recent certificate of accommodation, copies of the Host's identity card and proof of address.

Are the current hosts willing to continue to offer hospitality to refugees?
Is the cohabitation going on in complete harmony?
Do the refugees participate in the daily chores, purchases and expenses related to their presence?

Are the refugee children of school age properly enrolled for the beginning of the school year in September?

How do the Ukrainian refugees see their future in the face of all these deadlines?

How many of them plan to return to Ukraine in the very short or medium term, or never?

Are they trying to integrate? 12 are currently taking intensive French courses, and apparently only 2 have registered for a hypothetical 2nd session.
Some of them have looked for and found a job, is it seasonal or very precarious? Others have refused the jobs offered. Assisting?

In order to facilitate this dialogue between refugees and hosts, Irina Podhaiko, a Ukrainian psychologist living in Fayence and supported by Pays De Fayence Solidaire, is at the disposal of both parties to help them unravel situations.
To contact her : 0676161831 or WhatsApp +39 327 677 6768 or mail

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