lundi 11 avril 2022

Healthcare support and payment


New guidelines and details about the support available in  urgent healthcare for people coming from the  UKRAINE, who are not yet in possession of their residence permit.

Several refugees from Ukraine are awaiting the provisional attestation justifying the right to stay benefit from temporary protection, allowing them to open rights to universal healthcare protection and complementary health solidarity. 

Also, if these persons require hospital care, the management for urgent care mentions in article L. 254-1 of the code of social action and families that it is authorised in a derogation, pending the issue of the provisional residence certificate, for all hospital care, including situations where the vital prognosis is not at stake, and without the need for a prior submission of a request for State medical aid and a refusal to grant it ( even without temporary visa they have a right to healthcare whether urgent or not urgent).


To obtain payment of these costs, the doctor/ hospital must send the  invoice  to the  caisse d’assurance maladie accompanied by a copy of a document justifying the patient’s Ukrainian nationality or residence in Ukraine (passport). The establishment of 1 Articles L. 160-1 & L. 861-1 of the social security code health must indicate on the invoice sum to be paid   “dispense de refus AME absence attestation protection temporaire “ (exemption from refusal AME absence certificate temporary protection).

This exceptional procedure will apply to hospital care delivered until 31 May 2022 to Ukrainian nationals and third-country nationals residing in Ukraine pending a document justifying the benefit of temporary protection.

You will find attached a practical sheet that summarises the different situations of Ukrainian refugees and the modalities of treatment by the health insurance

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