jeudi 31 mars 2022



Articles L.111-1 and L.114-1 of the Education Code guarantee access to education for all children  aged between 3 to 16 and the obligation of training for children between the ages of 16 and 18 present in the national territory. Any child newly arrived in France must be educated regardless of his nationality or personal situation.

General information on the website of the Prefecture of the Var: registration procedures, France-Ukraine class equivalencies,...

Шкільне навчання - Як записатися в школу 

Schooling and registration

 3 to 10 yr olds

Registration and paperwork at the Mairie of your town and call village school to arrange appointment with head teacher.

 11 to 18 yr olds

Contact either the college or lycee closest to your place of residence or the national education services of your department (DSDEN : direction des services départementaux de l’éducation nationale)

For young people aged 16 to 18, who were not or do not wish to attend school, DSDEN will also accompany you to find a job or vocational training.

School Pickup Registration: Immediate and Free

Registration at France-Services in Fayence: identification of the student and a parent, a photo of the student’s identity that will be scanned.

The Collège Léonard de Vincy de Montauroux has an agreement with Leclerc and its espace cultural. They also have an agreement with La Halle to provide children with sports clothes

Articles épinglés

Formalités administratives

   Formalités administratives générales : site de la Préfecture du Var Nous n'avons pas d'information précise concernant les réfugi...